Sporting legend calls on fans to get behind museum plan

The crowdfunding campaign to help create a new Jim Clark Museum is launched.The crowdfunding campaign to help create a new Jim Clark Museum is launched.
The crowdfunding campaign to help create a new Jim Clark Museum is launched.
Formula One legend Sir Jackie Stewart has asked motor sport enthusiasts across the world to back a £300,000 crowdfunding campaign for a new Jim Clark Museum.

The campaign was announced alongside the unveiling of Kilmany racing legend Clark’s historic 1965 Lotus 33 R11 at the Race Retro 2017 event.

Widely regarded as one of the greatest motor racing drivers of all time, Clark became a national hero and international icon of the 1960s.

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The Jim Clark Trust, working in partnership with Scottish Borders Council, where Clark moved to, aims to build a new expanded Jim Clark Museum in 2018 celebrating his life and legacy 50 years on from the tragedy of 1968 at Hockenheim that stunned the world.

The Borders Council has pledged £620,000 towards the new £1.6m museum with a further £645,000 support from the Heritage Lottery Fund with Stage 1 Development phase approved and the Stage 2 Delivery build programme pending.

£300,000 is now required to give the green light to the delivery build phase to redevelop the existing Jim Clark Room in Duns in to a modern museum with space to display new memorabilia and two of Jim Clark’s race cars.

Commenting on the project Sir Jackie said: “Jim Clark was not only the best racing driver I ever raced with and against. He was also a great friend, a wonderful ambassador for motor sport and indeed for Scotland. It is only right that we honour his success and achievements. I am delighted the museum project has reached this crucial stage with the support of the Trust and I would like to thank Scottish Borders Council and Heritage Lottery Funding. The foundations of this project are Heritage, Education and Inspiration bought to life through the story of Jimmy’s incredible career and significant influence on Scottish motor sport. If those values ring true to people around the world, I hope enthusiasts will join me in wishing the fundraising campaign every success.”

The Jim Clark Trust is now seeking support from motort sport fans and donations at