Perth visitors leap to victory at Highfield

The Desperate Housewives team.The Desperate Housewives team.
The Desperate Housewives team.
Unaffiliated team showjumping returned to Highfield at Howe over the weekend.

With a full complement of teams in each class, the centre had a real buzz all day as school, pony club and livery yard teams all jostled to prove that their team was the best.

Graham Barclay, Howe’s regular course builder, built a flowing course designed to test combinations but which also allowed some tight turns in the jump off where seconds could be gained or lost.

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The day began with a clear round of crosspoles then competition started with the first of teams with a course height of 45cm.

Perth Hunt Pony Club took first place in this class and the subsequent class ( 55cm ) with teams from Glenrothes Pony Club in second.

The Glenrothes Gigglers were second in class 1 with the Glenrothes Glitters second in class 2.

The team from Glenrothes Pony Club, Glenrothes Gallopers, went one better in class 3 to claim the red rosettes from a team aptly named Desperate Housewives.

This team was made up of members from Fife Riding Club.

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The height of the jumps continued to increase and in class 4 reached 75cm. This time the victors were Kinross High School with Glenrothes Gazelles in second.

Class 5 saw a livery yard team triumph with the winners all coming from the Chapelwell livery yard outside Cupar with Devon River in second.

The Devon River team went one better in the final class of the day ( 95cm) to claim the red rosettes from another livery yard team, the Parknowe Princesses.

The final weekend of February at Highfield at Howe is devoted to Showcross.

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With a range of classes on both days, this event is sure to be popular.

The Centre is also still hosting two nights of showjumping training on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings each week as well as riding lessons on either your own horse or one of the centre’s mounts.

Highfield hosts its first British Dressage Quest club qualifiers on March 25.

With the Scottish final of Quest Club being held at the centre later in the year, this will be an excellent opportunity for riders to accustom their horses to the arena and get in some valuable practice.

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