Newtongrange 1-1 Hill of Beath

Newtongrange Vs Leith Athletic
New: Sean Jamieson
Lei:Newtongrange Vs Leith Athletic
New: Sean Jamieson
Newtongrange Vs Leith Athletic New: Sean Jamieson Lei:
Star put in their best display in weeks to gran a share of the spoils against a very good HOB side.

Only time will tell if this is a point gained or two dropped. Star gave a debut to young Livingston loanee Jack Duncan who slotted in at centre back

After a dull start to the game where there was very little quality the visitors took the lead and again Star only had themselves to blame with more lackadaisical defending when 1 ball down the left was cut back into the box where Adamson was all alone to knock the ball home.

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HOB almost caught Star on the counter after 43 minutes but Reid did exceptionally well to chase him down to snuff out the danger.

Star rung the changes for the start of the second half when McIntosh replaced the ineffective Hastie and Porteous replaced Gillon to get more legs in the middle of the park.

Jamieson had an effort just wide after 53 minutes before Kirby fired an effort straight at keeper.

Paterson came close after 66 minutes when he just failed to get a hold of the volley.

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Star’s top scorer was not to be denied however and as he raced on to a McIntosh through ball he showed great strength to hold of his marked before slotting the ball home.

Hall had to produce a brilliant save to stop Murray doubling the lead.

Jamieson and Duncan had their name taken within a minute of each other shortly followed by Murray.

Adamson took the free kick but sent it out of the stadium. The referee was not finished there as Grierson was shown a yellow for pulling back Porteous before the Star manager King and Leishman were both dismissed when they received their second yellow for an altercation on the touchline. Jamieson had an effort just wide on 90 minutes.

Newtongrange Star: McCathie, Swaney, Duncan, Reid, Murray, Cherrie, Nelson, Gillon, Hastie, Paterson, Jamieson, Christie, Scott, McIntosh, Porteous, Bracks, Binnie (GK)