Rehearsals must go on-line for Fife Opera

The cast of Fife Opera from last year's 'La Traviata' production.  Pic: Sartorial Pictures.The cast of Fife Opera from last year's 'La Traviata' production.  Pic: Sartorial Pictures.
The cast of Fife Opera from last year's 'La Traviata' production. Pic: Sartorial Pictures. | Other 3rd Party
The company is starting rehearsals online in the hope its production can still go ahead later this year

Theatres may currently be closed due to the pandemic, but one local operatic company is not letting it stand in the way of preparations for its next production.

Fife Opera is hoping to stage its show Lakme by Delibes at the Adam Smith Theatre from November 4-7.

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The company says this will of course remain under review as the country tackles the Covid-19 pandemic, but in the meantime rehearsals for the production are starting this week – online.

The first rehearsal will take place through online meeting programme Zoom tomorrow (Wednesday) evening.

Eleanor Hubbard, acting chairman for Fife Opera said: “We are still recruiting chorus members. There are some exciting choruses, especially in the market scene in Act Two, so if anyone who enjoys singing wants to give this a try we would be really pleased to have them join us.

“Rehearsals begin online through Zoom on Wednesday, May 13 at 7.30pm.

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“Those interested don’t need a computer, just a smart phone.

“Alistair will set this up and with him, our rehearsals are guaranteed to be musically exciting and fun.”

Lakme is famous for the duet in the first act, which is used by British Airways for their television adverts, and Lakme’s Bell song in Act Two is a spectacular piece of soprano singing.

Eleanor added: “The opera is set in India for our production in modern times, with the story examining the impact the Western culture has on the lives of the highly religious Indian people. It is also a love story with tragic consequences.”

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For the 2020 production, Alistair Digges is conductor for the company once again, with Rosemary Nairne assisting and Vanessa Condutti is director.

Anyone interested in singing or any other aspect of the production is urged to contact Susan by emailing [email protected]

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