Cupar resident calls on Fife Council to tackle gull problem

Stock pic: John DevlinStock pic: John Devlin
Stock pic: John Devlin
A Cupar resident has called on Fife Council to take action and tackle the town's seagull problem.

Charles Nicol (71), a resident of Drysdale Gardens, first complained about seagulls causing problems on his street last year, and says the problem has returned.

Mr Nicol claims he made a complaint about the seagulls at Fife Council’s Cupar offices two weeks ago and also spoke to a local councillor last week, but that nothing has been done and that he has not heard back from either.

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“I want a cull,” he said. “Fife Council has to do something about it.

“It’s a terrible thing to say, but something has to be done. I don’t want someone to get hurt.

“And it’s not just me complaining – a lot of people in Cupar are as well.”

Mr Nicol says the seagulls, as well as making a mess, are confronting people, and attacked a woman last year.

He added: “They’re nesting across the road from us.

“It’s the noise and the mess that they cause.

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“I’ve got a new car and it’s covered in bird poo in the morning. And the noise is unbelievable.

“It’s not stopped since last year. It’s continuous.

“Fife Council has not done a thing. It’s terrible.”

Fife Council says that because Drysdale Gardens is private sheltered housing, and the homes are privately owned, it is up to the home owner to get the seagull eggs removed.

However, it also reminded residents that it is an offence to disturb the seagulls once the eggs have hatched.

A spokesman added: “We have no statutory duty to deal with gulls. We can offer advice but we encourage property owners to contact a private pest control company for gull-proofing measures. If the birds are not on your property we cannot make the owners of the property they are on take any action.

“All birds are protected under law, as are their nests, eggs and every stage of life. But, certain species may be controlled by applying for a General Licence from Scottish Natural Heritage.”

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