Cyclo-cross damage at Kirkcaldy park '˜minimal', says Fife Council

Beveridge Park Grand Prix of Cyclocross. Picture by George McLuskie.Beveridge Park Grand Prix of Cyclocross. Picture by George McLuskie.
Beveridge Park Grand Prix of Cyclocross. Picture by George McLuskie.
Reassurances have been issued that damage to Beveridge Park was 'minimal' following a popular cyclo-cross event at the weekend.

The message comes after a member of the public complained that the event - which saw 200 riders compete in wind and rain - had left the park “churned up” and a hazard to park goers.

It was the second time the competition, hosted by Portage Cycling and Fife Council’s Active Fife team, had been held at Beveridge Park.

But Mary Brown felt it should have been cancelled.

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She said: “The resulting mess in the park has already seen two people slip in the mud left on the road near the rugby club and the churned up mud on the grass will take months to recover.”

She suggested the organisers put together a team of volunteers to repair the park grounds, especially in time for Easter.

“The park has suffered from budget cuts and staff reductions in the past few years and this year’s weather has taken its toll with flooded paths and blocked drains and while I fully agree events such as the Cyclocross are generally good for the park, some common sense should have prevailed on Sunday,” she said.

Mike Fuchs, service manager for Parks Development & Countryside, said Fife Council was aware of a complaint about the park following the event.

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He commented: “I’d like to reassure the public that any damage is minimal and temporary. We have a team in the park today (Wednesday) clearing any mud and debris off the pathways and any grassy areas which have been damaged will be reinstated.

“Public reaction to the event itself was very positive, both from competitors and spectators.

“We try to hold as many active events as possible in our public parks. Not only are they a great way to promote healthy and active lifestyles but they also draw visitors into Fife, helping our tourism and economy.”

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