Stones break window of moving bus in Leven

Stones were thrown at a moving busStones were thrown at a moving bus
Stones were thrown at a moving bus
Police in Fife are appealing for witnesses after a Stagecoach bus travelling through Leven had stones thrown at it, causing a window to shatter.

The incident happen around 6pm on Tuesday, at the Promenade, near to Levenmouth Swimming Pool.

While the number 49 Stagecoach bus was moving, stones were thrown at the vehicle’s window, causing glass to shatter over passengers on board. Luckily nobody was injured.

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A group of youngsters aged around 13-15 were seen to run off afterwards. One was described as wearing a red hooded top and another was believed to be wearing a green hooded top.

Police were contacted and officers are now appealing for anyone who may have seen the event to get in touch.

Police sergeant Craig Fyall of Levenmouth Police Station said: “Fortunately this incident never resulted in serious injury, however those responsible have shown blatant disregard for the safety of a number of people and children, including a young child who was within a pram.

“I would urge anyone who was in the area around 6pm on Tuesday, April 11, and may have seen the incident or the group described, to get in touch with us as soon as possible.”

If you have any information, contact Police Scotland on 101 or anonymously through Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.