Appeal after teen's Christmas present stolen

Callum's bike was stolen on Boxing Day.Callum's bike was stolen on Boxing Day.
Callum's bike was stolen on Boxing Day.
A Kennoway mum has appealed for her son's Christmas present to be returned, after it was stolen on Boxing Day.

Kelly Mitchell’s son Callum (13) was gifted a new Cannondale bike for Christmas, but it was stolen from outside a friend’s house less than 24 hours later.

She said her son was “gutted”, adding: “I’m devastated. Sick to the bottom of my stomach.

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“I don’t know why somebody would do that. You work hard to get it – and it’s gone in less than 24 hours.

“All we want is the bike returned. Even if they dump it in the garden.”

A Police Scotland spokesperson said: “Police in Fife are investigating a report of theft of a bicycle from outside an address in the Kingsdale Gardens area of Kennoway.

“The incident happened around 6pm on Tuesday, December 26.

“Enquiries are ongoing and anyone with information is asked to contact Levenmouth Police Station via 101, quoting incident number 2815 of 26 December, or alternatively through Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.”