Kirkcaldy artist in Oor Wullie Bucket Trail

Susan with her statue. Pic by Fife Photo AgencySusan with her statue. Pic by Fife Photo Agency
Susan with her statue. Pic by Fife Photo Agency
Kirkcaldy artist and potter Susan McGill says she is delighted to be included in this year’s Oor Wullie Bucket Trail in cities around Scotland.

Susan was one of the lucky artists picked to decorate a life-sized statue of the DC Thomson comic book character in the huge nationwide art project.

She was involved in the first Bucket Trail in 2016, so when she heard about the Oor Wullie Big Bucket Trail that was to take place again this year, she responded to the ‘Call to Artists’ which was sent out in January.

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Artists from across the country were invited to submit a design for a life size Oor Wullie sculpture. If successful, the chosen designs would then be completed by the artist and become part of the first ever nationwide art trail appearing in Inverness, Aberdeen, Dundee, Glasgow and Edinburgh.

It started on June 17 and will run for 11 weeks until August 30, culminating in a series of farewell events and auctions in each of the host cities.

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All the money raised from the Bucket Trail is then going to support children’s hospitals in all the five Scottish cities.

Susan told the Press: “The design I submitted was for ‘Oor Rabbie Rides Again’ which was sponsored by Avian and is now sitting in front of The Caird Hall in Dundee City Square

“Here Oor Wullie becomes the Scottish Legend Tam O’Shanter. Still dressed in his trademark dungarees, the sculpture is covered in patches which use words and images from the poem Tam O’Shanter by Robert Burns.

“He is seen riding on his bucket with the head of his trusty mare ‘Maggie’ on the front’ and the ‘sulky sullen’ face of his long suffering wife ‘Kate’ at the rear.

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“Tam himself is a cheery, cheeky, trusty scoundrel with a romantic soul and a wee bit of the devil about him which is not that different from the character of oor Dundee heart-throb Wullie.

“I was lucky enough to be part of the first Oor Wullie Bucket Trail in 2016 and am absolutely delighted to be taking part again this year and to get another chance to support these worthwhile charities.

“With the 2019 trail going nationwide I am hoping that the whole country will have a chance to meet one of these fabulous sculptures at some point over the summer.

“Everyone can support the trail by downloading the Big Bucket Trail App and joining in with the fun.

“They are guaranteed to make you smile.“

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