10,000 free breakfasts served at new Fife College breakfast club

Students Cameron Lark, Elaine Gray, Paige Stewart and Lucy Kay promote Fife College’s Breakfast Club at the College’s Dunfermline Campus.Students Cameron Lark, Elaine Gray, Paige Stewart and Lucy Kay promote Fife College’s Breakfast Club at the College’s Dunfermline Campus.
Students Cameron Lark, Elaine Gray, Paige Stewart and Lucy Kay promote Fife College’s Breakfast Club at the College’s Dunfermline Campus.
Over 10,000 free breakfasts have been served up in just five months at Fife College’s innovative new breakfast club.

Some 10,695 breakfasts have been dished out to students since the club was launched last September in the college’s five campuses.

The initiative, which is one of only a handful in the country, means that all students can enjoy free toast, cereal or porridge and a cup of tea or coffee every day, courtesy of the college.

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Run in partnership with the college’s catering contractor Aramark, the club also offers free hot rolls on a Friday.

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The Fife College Breakfast Club was introduced following evidence that one in seven young people attend school or college without having breakfast, mainly because they cannot afford it.

This has a detrimental effect on their attendance, studies, health and well-being.

Musical Theatre student Abbie Hilton (18) from Glenrothes is one of many who made use of the breakfast club in its first few months.

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Abbie, who is based at the college’s Kirkcaldy Campus, said: “I think the breakfast club is a great idea. I’ve used it a few times and definitely would have just skipped breakfast on those days if it wasn’t there.”

Hugh Hall, Fife College principal, said: “We all know that eating breakfast is important and we know from our experience here at Fife College that it has had a positive impact on students, their attention span and their willingness to stay the course.

“It is fantastic to see our breakfast club, which is providing a free service for all students – regardless of their means – become such a success.”

Deborah Burnside, Aramark operations director, said: “Our top priority is to ensure that students have nutritious meals to start their day so they are well nourished and ready to learn.”

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The success of the Breakfast Club comes as the Fife College Students’ Association (FCSA) introduced microwaves for student use thanks to Student President Jade Burnett.

Microwaves have recently been installed in each of the college’s campuses.