Mossmorran launches modern appentice search

Modern apprentices at MossmorranModern apprentices at Mossmorran
Modern apprentices at Mossmorran
Job opportunities at ethylene plant

Fife’s Ethylene Plant is looking past the current unsettled economic times to a brighter future and is recruiting two new apprentices in the fields of machinery and instrumentation.

Details for the h four year Modern Apprenticeships are currently on the ExxonMobil website, and adverts will soon be appearing in local newspapers giving more detail on the available roles and the application process.

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Jacob McAlister, FEP plant manager said: “For over 30 years, our apprentice programme has always looked for the best candidates, and this is reflected in our recruitment process which is intended to attract the top talent.

“We continue to target fulfilling our future needs from our local communities and that’s why some of our former apprentices have been with us for many years.

“We invest a significant amount of time and resources to give our apprentices the best skills, knowledge, and experience to succeed. At the end of the programme, they are well equipped to embark on their long-term career with ExxonMobil.”

Last year there were around 180 applicants for three positions

The closing date for applications is May 15.

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Allan Crow, Editor, Fife Free Press